Welcome to the third annual installment of the All-Shore Primer, a feature designed to highlight the seasons of more Shore Conference players and to shed a little more light on the considerations that go into choosing the 50 players that make the Shore Sports Network All-Shore Baseball Teams. It is essentially a look at the stats of the players in each division who had something resembling seasons good enough to warrant at least passing consideration for a hypothetical All-Division selection. If you would like to see who the Shore coaches actually picked for their All-Division teams, those are right here.

The All-Shore package will continue Tuesday with the Player, Pitcher and Coach of the Year announced and the All-Shore teams will be released on Wednesday, June 20. As we build toward Wednesday's All-Shore release, the All-Shore Primer is a good reference to compare the seasons of the players who are in the mix for the 50 spots and is also a way to appreciate how many good players there are in the area - even if not all of them make an All-Shore team.

Without further ado, here is a look at the All-Shore Primer, organized by division.




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