COVID-19 Spectator Policies for Shore Conference High Schools
On Friday, Feb. 12, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed an executive order that loosened indoor restrictions and allows parents to attend youth and high school sporting events. Individual school districts can be more restrictive if that is their determination, however. We reached out to all Shore Conference athletic directors to provide their school district's spectator policies, which can be viewed below.
Ice hockey, bowling, swimming and indoor track use third-party venues. Parents wishing to attend events for those sports should contact the respective facility.
Ocean County
-Barnegat will be allowing two parents per student-athlete of both the home and visiting teams.
-Temperatures will be checked and a COVID-19 form must be filled out upon entry.
Brick Memorial
-Two parents/guardians only per participating student-athlete will be checked in upon entrance into the gym.
-All spectators will have their temperature checked upon admittance. If a temperate exceeds the health and safety guidelines (100 degrees), admission will be denied.
-All spectators must wear a face covering for the duration of the sporting competition and when entering or exiting the venue.
-All spectators are required to maintain a distance of six feet between groups.
-All spectators are required to adhere to the NJSIAA and Shore Conference Sportsmanship Policies.
-Any spectator that does not adhere to the requests set forth by the athletic staff may be asked to leave the event.
-No concessions will be sold.
-Spectators are requested to attend their son's or daughter's events only. The gym will be cleared after each level of competition.
Brick Township
-Two parents per participating player from Brick only due to limited seating capacity.
-All indoor events will take place in the east gym except for gymnastics (west gym).
-Doors will open 10 minutes before game time. Spectators must exit the building immediately after their child's game.
-Spectators will be asked to show ID
-All spectators will have their temperature checked upon admittance. If a temperate exceeds the health and safety guidelines (100 degrees), admission will be denied.
-All spectators must wear a face covering at all times upon entering the building.
-All spectators are required to maintain a distance of six feet between groups.
-All spectators are required to adhere to the NJSIAA and Shore Conference Sportsmanship Policies.
-Any spectator that does not adhere to the requests set forth by the athletic staff may be asked to leave the event.
Central Regional
-Central will be allowing two parents/guardians for student-athletes of the home and away teams.
-Visiting teams are required to provide a list of parents who will be attending the game.
-The gym will be cleared after each game and once it is cleared the next group of parents will be allowed into the school.
-Parents are encouraged to watch the previous game on the NFHS live streaming network to see when the game has ended. The live steam is on a two-to-four minute delay.
-Mask must be on and you must social distance.
Donovan Catholic
No additional information available
Jackson Liberty
No additional information available
Jackson Memorial
No additional information available
No additional information available
No additional information available
-Two parents/guardians will be allowed per student-athlete.
-Masks must be worn at all times. If a spectator is seen without a mask or removing their mask during the game they will be asked to leave.
-Parents/guardians must fill out the COVID-19 questionnaire.
-Visiting parents/guardians will sit in the upper bleachers on a silver and orange X in the C or A sections of the bleachers.
-Home parents/guardians will sit in the upper bleachers on the silver and camo X in the T or S section of the bleachers.
-Parents/guardians will enter through the main doors and be asked to show ID, give the name of the student-athlete they are representing, must have completed the COVID-19 questionnaire and then have their temperature checked.
-Spectators will be asked to use the restrooms located near the cafeteria.
-Parents will be permitted to arrive 15 minutes prior to their student-athlete's game time and will not be permitted to enter the gym until the previous game has ended and spectators have exited the gym. Spectators will leave through the side gym doors.
-No food or drinks will be permitted in the building.
-Hand sanitizer is located outside of the gym doors. Please utilize this before entering the gym.
-Wipes will be provided in the upper bleachers. Please wide down your seat prior to taking your set and prior to leaving and dispose of them in the provided garbage cans.
Point Beach
-Each basketball player will be allowed two spectators on the list
-Each athlete will provide the contact information for their two parents and/or guardians attending games for contact tracing purposes.
-Everyone in attendance will be required to wear a mask for the entirety of their time on school grounds. Those who refuse to wear a mask will be asked to leave.
-There will be numbers on the bleachers denoting six feet of social distancing. Each spectator will be assigned a seat which they must stay in. If a spectator moves from their seat they will be removed from the gym.
-Each spectator will be required to fill out a COVID form before entering the gym. It will be collected at the door.
-Each spectator will have their temperature checked
-There will be a ZERO tolerance policy for yelling from anyone in the stands. If you yell you will be immediately removed from the facility.
-There will be no re-entry to the facility.
-Each spectator will need to immediately leave the facility at the conclusion of the game so the facility can be properly cleaned before the next game.
-Spectators will not be allowed to stay and watch the next game if their son/daughter is not on the roster for that game.
Point Boro
No additional information available
Southern Regional
Two tickets per student-athlete for their parents/guardians.
Toms River East
Toms River East is allowing two caregivers per player. Caregivers must be on the list before game day. The gym will be emptied and cleaned after each level of play.
Toms River North
Toms River North will allow two parents/guardians at home games for all three levels for home athletes only. Parents and players must exit after their game is done so the gym can be disinfected for the next game. Two parents will be permitted at sister schools (TRN, TRS) for varsity players only.
Toms River South
Toms River South will be allowing for two tickets per Toms River South student-athlete. The school will not be permitting visiting teams to bring spectators due to limited spacing.
Monmouth County
Asbury Park
No additional information available
Christian Brothers Academy
No additional information available
Colts Neck
The Freehold Regional High School District will be allowing only home spectators for basketball, two parents/guardians for each student-athlete.
The Freehold Regional High School District will be allowing only home spectators for basketball, two parents/guardians for each student-athlete.
Freehold Township
The Freehold Regional High School District will be allowing only home spectators for basketball, two parents/guardians for each student-athlete.
Henry Hudson
No additional information available
Holmdel is allowing spectators for the home team only, two parents/guardians per participating student-athlete.
The Freehold Regional High School District will be allowing only home spectators for basketball, two parents/guardians for each student-athlete.
No additional information available
Keyport athletes can have two parents/guardians over the age of 21. The visiting team will be granted spectators for senior athletes only due to a very limited seating capacity. Each visitor will have to fill out a form before entering the gym. Spectators will not be allowed inside the gym until 15 minutes before the contest. Keyport COVID-19 FORM
Long Branch
-Two parents/guardians for student-athletes.
-All spectators must park in the front of the building on 404 Indian Avenue and enter through the front doors.
-All spectators will have to complete a COVID-19 questionnaire, have their temperature checked and be directed to their seating area.
-All spectators will sit in the bleachers immediately to their right when they first enter the gym. Available seats will be marked with athletic department stickers. All spectators must sit six feet apart at all times with the exception of family members.
-Restrooms will be located down the main hallway to the left prior to entering the gym.
-Masks must be worn at all times with no exception. If you cannot wear a mask because of health reasons you cannot attend events at Long Branch High School.
-No spectator will be allowed, at any time, on the gymnasium floor or allowed to walk across the floor to the side where the teams are seated.
-All spectators must exit the gym immediately following the conclusion of the game. If they are waiting to give a student-athlete a ride they must wait in the parking lot.
The Freehold Regional High School District will be allowing only home spectators for basketball, two parents/guardians for each student-athlete.
Two parents/guardians per student-athlete for both home and visiting teams.
The Freehold Regional High School District will be allowing only home spectators for basketball, two parents/guardians for each student-athlete.
No additional information available
Mater Dei Prep
Two parents/guardians per student-athlete will be permitted.
Middletown North
Middletown is allowing two parents/guardians for each participant of both the home and visiting teams.
Middletown South
Middletown is allowing two parents/guardians for each participant of both the home and visiting teams.
Monmouth Regional
No additional information available
-All practices are closed to the public.
-At this time, spectators from visiting teams will not be permitted.
-Spectators for games must be on the student-athlete guest list and show identification.
-Spectators must enter and exit through the main gym ticket booth doors.
-All spectators are required to fill out the New Jersey Department of Healthy symptom screening form, submit to a temperature check and complete the Neptune Township School District Spectator Form prior to entering.
-Spectators shall arrive at the school no earlier than 15 minutes prior to the published game time.
-Spectators must sit in marked seats, wear masks and socially distance at all times.
-No food or drink permitted in the gym
-Upon completion of each game all spectators must exit the gym.
-Parents/guardians must wait until they are outside Neptune High School to interact with student-athletes
-Always display proper conduct at a school function
-Scouting by opposing teams is prohibited for the 2021 season
-Failure to comply with the protocols above will result in immediate dismissal from the property and possible suspension or cancellation of the event.
At this time, Ocean will be allowing two parents/guardians for Ocean Township student-athletes only.
Ranney School
No additional information available
No additional information available
Red Bank Catholic
-Two parents/guardians per student-athlete for both home and visiting teams.
-Parents should arrive no sooner than 15 minutes before game time.
-When hosting multiple contests the gym will be cleared and disinfected before the next contest.
-The RBC event staff will cross-check names with team rosters and conduct a temperature check. Parents will then be directed to the designated seating area and family pairs will sit together. Xs will be clearly marked and social distancing will be enforced.
-Masks must be worn at all times.
-All parents must leave the building immediately after the game. Student-athletes will complete their postgame team discussion and meet their parents in the parking lot.
Red Bank Regional
No additional information available
Rumson-Fair Haven
Rumson-Fair Haven will be allowing two parents for all rostered players for both home and visiting teams.
St. John Vianney
Maximum of 2 parents/guardians permitted per athlete. A COVID form must be submitted each game for each parent/guardian. Temperatures are taken prior to admission as well. Bleachers are marked in order for appropriate distancing occurs while seated. The visiting school's athletic department is contacted prior to our events and limitations are communicated in order to maintain appropriate guidelines. While on SJVHS Campus COVID-19 protocols are to be followed.
St. Rose
No additional information available
Shore Regional
-All spectators must park in the cemetery side parking lot and enter through the last gymnasium door (Door 23, Gym B). Shore Regional Campus Map
-All spectators must complete a COVID-19 health questionnaire and have their temperature checked. Shore Regional - Spectator Covid Form. Additional copies will be available at the entrance. Spectators will then be directed to their seating area
-All spectators will sit in the bleacher immediately available to them. All available seats are clearly marked with tape. All spectators must sit six feet apart in the stands at all times. The only exception is family members living in the same household.
-The only bathroom available to spectators is the Porta-a-John located outside the entrance. No indoor bathrooms will be available to spectators.
-All spectators must wear a mask at all times. There is no exception to this protocol. If you can not wear a mask because of health reasons you can not attend a basketball game at Shore Regional.
-No spectators will be allowed, at any time, on the gymnasium floor or allowed to walk across the floor to the side where the teams are seated.
-All spectators must exit the game immediately following the conclusion. If they are waiting for a student-athlete to give them a ride they must wait in the parking lot.
-Even if they are attending a second game, all spectators must exit the building at the conclusion of each level because of cleaning protocols.
Trinity Hall
No additional information available
Two parents/guardians/adult caregivers per participating athlete for both the home and visiting teams.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.